Things are great right now. This week was particularly stressful for me because I had lots of reading and a lesson to present in my class and a quiz and also my student teaching application to turn in. I worked the maximum amount of hours I could. By Friday, I was emotionally beat down and ready to just relax into the weekend. I had yesterday (Saturday) and today off, and I'm only on call tomorrow (yay!) with Tuesday off as well. That's potentially four days off in a row! I'm so excited.
Tonight was the Relief Society Broadcast. There were some amazing messages presented tonight and I've once again become enthusiastic about being a member of Relief Society and a Visiting Teacher. Broadcasts like this make me glad to be a woman!
Relief Society Broadcast also means it's nearly time for my Church Birthday. I'll be two years old on Tuesday! It seems like I've been a member forever; I hardly remember what it was like to not have the church in my life. At the same time, I'm oftentimes smacked in the face with the fact that I haven't been a lifer, so I guess I'm in a weird place. I continue to reflect upon how different I am from before I was a member (heck, how different am I from my one year anniversary last year?) and just thinking about it makes me so proud and yet so humble. I'm so grateful for my Lord and Savior and what He's done for me through His infinite atonement. I'm so thankful that I have the gospel and that I live in a country of religious freedom and am able to build my life around the Church. I don't know what I'd do without it.
I suppose I think about my baptism anniversary as a sad AND happy day. I remember how terrified I was to make that huge step and thinking that I wasn't ready. I was alone the night before and I cried myself to sleep when I realized that this was my last chance to turn back, if I wanted. But I didn't want to. I was afraid that I was going to be alone and that no one would understand me. How thankful I am that this isn't true! It took me a long time to realize that, but now that I do, I'll do anything to show those who helped me how much I appreciate their charity and kindness.
The Church just makes me want to be a better person. There are lots of things I want to do and lots of things I want to see, but most of all, I want to be LDS. I want to be someone's wife and companion, sealed in a temple for time and all eternity (I love Kyle!). I want to be a mother...a good one! I want to bake cookies for my behbehs and read to them and tell them that their mommy and daddy and Heavenly Father love them very much, and they should never forget that. *Sigh. I wish I could have it right now. Only a few more months (95 days!) till my and Kyle's eternity begins.
I don't know a lot, but I know I have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know the Church is true and that God lives and loves us and wants us to be like Him. I know I am His daughter and that He has a special place in His heart just for me!
THE GOSPEL IS RESTORED! Live life, love the Lord, and be happy!