Only complaint? Didn't get to see Kyle as much as I'd've liked. I wish I had free time when he has free time. He's pretty busy this week--or busier than I am, at least. I want to do so much with him before we have to leave for the summer: work on the house, spend time planning for the wedding (i.e. registering), watching movies we haven't had time to see yet, working on family history...there's so much! He's got a speech to do tonight and also a final project and a mini paper that's due at the end of this week, and I don't know that I can help him with any of it! Poor him. He should have done his stuff earlier so he could have hung out with me more! Oh well.
So I guess the only thing left for me to do now is to prep for my Comm presentation on Friday. We're running through it again tomorrow, so everything should be fine. I need to revamp a paper for Friday, and I also have my Dance final on that day that I could study for. Geography final is on Tuesday. Writing portfolio is due sometime next week--I guess I'll figure out when it's due when I go to class tomorrow. That's something I'm not really looking forward to doing. But I guess writers have to revise at some point, so even though I'm not planning to write, I need to do as writers do.
Life seems pretty easy right now. I should work on some genealogy sometime. I really like the Genealogy Center behind Carnegie Library downtown and I plan on going back there again. I have a few books I can read, too. I can spruce up my VT binder for my calling. And it's been a heck of a long time since I've sat down and just watched a movie for myself. Or Grey's Anatomy. I used to crochet when watching Grey's. It's been ages since I've crocheted anything!
I'm also worrying about my job situation for this summer. I suppose I shouldn't worry; I know I'll be taken care of if I'm faithful. I just haven't really gotten on that task quite yet. I'll just call in to Central Offices at home to make sure there's nothing I need to do to reactivate myself as a substitute teacher and just assure them that I can work. Then call Minnich's and tell Marg that I'm willing to work there, too. I'll see what I can do. I don't want to work Saturdays, but if it's what I have to do, then it's what I have to do!
I'm just ready for something. I don't know what. I feel excited for some reason, maybe because school is ending. I'm looking forward to just working and not having homework, but I'm NOT looking forward to being away from Kyle and doing the I'll-see-you-every-other-weekend stuff again this year. Ugh. If he can even see me on weekends. He might have to work. Who knows?
I'm still anxious though. Eager or anxious. When it's the unknown, it's hard to say. Maybe it's just that there are things coming this summer that I just need to get over with. Maybe that's it.
Sounds good. Yeah...that's it.