....exhausting. Boring. Uneventful. I already want out.
Is it a sad commentary that I want to be working in a school setting for the rest of my life? Maybe? I am consoled by reminding myself that it's completely different on the other side of the desk. Teaching students is way different than BEING a student. I'm just so sick of papers and portfolios and syllabi and discussion posts...ew. Three more semesters of this crap (but at least one of them is shortened because it's summer). And I'm OUT.
I can't wait to be a teacher. I can't wait until life is just....not crazy and hectic because Kyle and I can't get our school schedules to mesh. *Sigh. And I can't wait to be able to get to bed at a decent time every night (and not like 4 AM) because I'm not having to go to class, then go to work, THEN come home to do homework and other crap like that.
I'm having a bad day. An awful first day. I was just too spoiled by the break, I think. And the wedding made it go by so quickly so that it seemed like it wasn't even really a break. It felt like it never existed! Where did it go?
Sad, sad day :(
On the plus side, I think we're going to try some peppercorn something-or-other hamburgers tonight. I'll let everyone know if they turn out well! Grocery shopping tonight AS WELL AS a library card for the Muncie libraries! This will be good in the renting movies :)
Pete's School Pictures
6 years ago
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