School's only been in session for a week (I haven't even finished my Friday classes yet), and I'm already exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally...socially? Nah, not socially. The only reason I say that though is because Jared is coming over tonight for dinner and we're all going to go see Iron Man 2 at Pruis. That's something social. And that's something I'm looking forward to!
Classes have been interesting so far. The practicums are everyday from 8-10 AM, and that was hard to adjust to...after several years of staying up late and sleeping in until classes began at 10 (at the earliest), this has been one of the harder things to do this week. Already I've slept through my alarm twice, but luckily was saved by waking up slightly and then panicking over what time it was and jumping out of bed. My prof tells me it gets easier to adjust to a teaching schedule as opposed to a taking-classes schedule, but I'm not sure. I feel sorry for her because the same thing is happening to everyone in my class, and we're not too interactive :(
Kyle and I have two literature classes together, and I feel as though those will be fairly intensive readings, but not unmanageable. Best of all, if one of us can't complete the assignment completely, the other can help by pointing out what's important or what we can just look up on Wikipedia. Awesome!
We both have English senior seminars as well, but not together unfortunately. I feel like my class is going to be a lot of fun! We're composing our own manifestos and then binding them in books ourselves. Kyle is doing qualitative research. Poor guy. He can hardly get through the first few pages of his assigned reading, let alone have the desire to research. I feel badly for him. I've been trying to convince him to transfer into my class, which is definitely more up his alley, but it would conflict with his work availability, which is important, since my work hours have been cut by half :( But he's good enough to take one for the team, and I'll remember that throughout the semester. I've told him he can complain to me all he wants about the class and I'll listen attentively.
Other than that, I have a methods class which I think will be pretty easy, and Kyle has a screenwriting class, and he's definitely excited about that. Part of his homework is to watch movies, and he's in heaven. I think he'll really like screenwriting.
It's been a grueling first week...that's for sure! I've only worked two nights, but those nights have been awful in the homework department because of it. Kyle has worked a lot during the day, which he likes. Mutual was fun this week as well, and although I was worrying about some of my assignments when I was at the church, it was a nice escape, and I think that will be very welcome :) I love hanging out with the YW. They're a lot of fun!
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