Monday, November 1, 2010

Something's gotten into my husband.


On Friday afternoon, he came home from work, gave me happy kisses and wanted to take me out to a nice dinner.  I had to turn him down because I got called in to work and only got to see him about 30 seconds before I walked out the door.  But, instead of taking me out, he made some yummy lasagna and buttered asparagus for dinner, complete with non-alcoholic wine, wine glasses, candles, and cloth napkins.  He was even wearing a nice outfit and pulled my chair out for me!  Needless to say, I was shocked.  He then talked me into watching a movie and he chose one that I've been wanting to watch with him all month.  Hmmmmmm....that never happens.

Saturday was a busy day as well.  Since Sunday was Thanksgiving at my parents' house, I planned to do some baking after I'd done some homework and gotten back from work.  We also needed to pick up some groceries.  But, when I got home, Kyle had already gotten groceries (he even picked up some makeup that I needed!) and made rice crispies.  Then he offered to give me a massage.  I almost had to pick my jaw up off the floor because when I ask him to rub my back, he always says he will but NEVER gets to it.  And while he's massaging, he casually mentions that he found me a birthday/Christmas present and already had it put away.

We also watched another movie on Saturday.  Another one I've been wanting to watch.  Then yesterday we spent a few hours together with no homework, no work, no other people...just us together.  Then when I freaked out because I'd forgotten to finish my webquest for my sixth-graders this week, he told me to sit down and work on it while he did the dishes and tidied the house.

He's also made plans for Friday to go out to a real dinner (nice restaurant) and we might go to a movie afterwards.  It's my rain-check for last week.

Okay, people.  My husband is a sweetie for sure and he treats me very well, but only sometimes like this, and NEVER in succession!  Kyle rarely plans ahead too far.  I'm wondering by now what's going on.  Is he going to ask for something he thinks I'll say no to?  Has he bought something he believes I'll think is too expensive?  He says he just missed me, but hey, he didn't miss me THAT much last weekend OR the weekend before!  

Very suspicious.  He sort of reminds me of one of those kids who are just average all year long and then the month before Christmas are extra-well-behaved.  I know the past few weeks we've seen very little of each other, but hey, he won't even let me do anything anymore without offering to do it first!  Don't get me wrong, I love it!  But I'm at a loss as to what could possibly be at work here.  I have a lot of friends who have boyfriends and husbands who would never do this for their girlfriends/wives. 

I'll be sure to let you know if the other shoe ever drops....maybe something to do with his Christmas list....

1 comment:

  1. I don't even have a Christmas list...

