So I know yesterday was the first time I'd posted in a very long time (a couple of weeks!), and it wasn't very long, so I figured I'd update all 8 of my followers on what's going a little bit more on what's going on in our lives:
1) Student teaching is amazing! If you haven't gotten that from the other couple of posts I've put up or heard me talking about it....I don't know how you've escaped! I love love love my 7th and 9th graders. Not all of them are sweet, but a lot of them are! The nice thing about the not-so-well-behaved ones is that they really do challenge me. School was always something that came really easily to me and I've always loved school. It's interesting to have to teach someone who does NOT share those sentiments. I'm constantly asking myself how I can make the day interesting for them or what I can do to get them involved. Some days are better than others, and some days you just have to draw the line and tell the kids that regardless of whether or not they like the assignment...they've gotta do it to pass the class! I've had plenty of interesting experiences, too...the most recent one involved teaching a chunk of my class in the girls' restroom after using permanent marker on the dry erase board...oops!
2) I've finally gotten the Praxis II taken...only another week or so until I know for sure that I've passed. Hopefully so, because I'm running out of time to take it! Can you say procrastination? You bet. And if for some reason I don't end up passing it the first time, I won't have anyone to blame but myself! I'm also looking at taking a few other Praxis II exams to get certified in other areas, although I must admit that I'm not as worried about that right now with some of the other requirements I have to take care of. I'm leaning toward taking the middle school math test as well as the social studies exam. How awesome would it be to be licensed in those areas, too? Pretty dang awesome! Next on the miscellaneous to-do list: CPR training.
3) Grad school applications...check and check! Kyle's grad school packet was due earlier this week. Thank GOODNESS we got it in before all the snow and ice came! He had to do quite a few things to apply: be accepted by the University in general, take the GRE, write a statement of purpose, submit a creative writing sample, get three letters of recommendation together (two within the English department and one outside it), and ensure that BSU looked over his transcripts. He's also applying for an assistantship in the department. He was pretty much finished with everything before Christmas except the statement of purpose, which he tackled in bits and pieces over the last week. Finally, we got everything printed off and in a folder for him to take to the office on Sunday night, and I've never seen him look more relieved! We're really hoping he's able to get in the department as well as secure an assistantship, but if not, then we've got a few back-up plans ready to go!
Other than these things, life is going on simply here. Our cat still loves us, the house is still standing, we basically just get to see each other on weekends and snow days...not too many other things are consuming our lives! While I'm totally in love with what I'm doing this semester, I also can't wait for it to be over! First and foremost, no more Ball State criteria I have to meet, and secondly, I get PAID to do what I love! Who would have thought? I guess I'm stuck in the whole I-pay-Ball-State-to-get-the-opportunity-to-teach mode, because I can't even imagine earning a paycheck for writing lesson plans and getting up early every day and packing a lunch in my little lunch box and grading papers.
All in all...a good start to the semester so far! Now if we could only cure Kyle's senioritis....