Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ANOTHER snow day.

The nice thing about student teaching during spring semester is that you get to take advantage of all the snow days issued to your school corporation.  I've had four cancellations, one two-hour delay, and one early dismissal because of the weather.  I really like having the days off to get caught up (or ahead, depending on the time of the week) on my work for my 7th and 9th grade classes.  The best part?  I graduate in May no matter what, so I don't have to make up any of the days!  AND, if the schools have to stay in session until July, more subbing time for me after graduation (which equals more dinero in our pocket)!

There are some cons, though.  At first, planning was such a hassle because I had to move so many activities around because we weren't in the classroom.  This was really hard for me at first, but now that I'm a seasoned student teaching veteran (of 3 weeks, ha!) this is coming a little more easily.  The worst part, though?  The kids' attitude.  When bad weather's coming, the kids get squirrelly and a little out of hand.  There have been more write-ups and suspensions and yelling in classrooms than usual because the kids anticipate the snow.  It's all that's on their mind, and it's hard to teach kids who don't want to be taught. 

Hmmm.  So overall I like snow days, but it just makes the time that we are in school just that much more difficult to manage.  But, oh well.  I've got plenty of things to do today!  Oh modifiers....here I come!

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