Saturday, May 18, 2013

Announcing Baby Part Two

So hopefully this publishes a-okay...still figuring this video converter out.  Everything worked really well the last time, then when I tried to publish, the vids wouldn't work because of Adobe...I got fed up...then when I tried to preview a month later, magically they worked!  So I'm hoping these do the same.

We took a couple more videos of us sharing the big news that I really wanted to post.  The rest of the family members got phone calls!  These videos are from Easter on my dad's side of the family.  We put together a small Easter basket for the baby (we still had yet to figure out what we are having, by the way, but Kyle was insistent on dinosaur stuff!) that we put on the table until people noticed it: 

I've also been having problems with uploading pictures to blogger.  When this issue is resolved (hopefully soon!), we will upload baby bump/ultrasound pictures :)

1 comment:

  1. I've been having issues with photos too! Try uploading them to picasa first. Then when you make click on the upload picture icon and instead of selecting from my computer from picasa. Goggle owns them both so no worries about making new accounts or anything.
