Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Muncie Baby Shower

This past Saturday, some wonderful women from church threw a baby shower for me.  How kind of them!  When my friend Lori Ann insisted and asked what type of shower I wanted or what items we still needed, I knew exactly how to answer that question:


Wow...we did some pricing on these two, and man...can they be expensive!  I'm sure every momma out there has a preference on types of diapers and knows how to score a good deal, but let's face it, we newbies need all the help we can get.  And sorry...Kyle and I already decided that as environmentally friendly it may be, we will NOT be doing cloth diapers.  No way.

So, my dear friends brought diapers and wipes (and a few other odds and ends here or there that they just couldn't resist) for our little family:

My friend Amy was in charge of games/activities.  The women also put together an alphabet church book and a book on all the prophets of the church for the baby.  What a cute idea!
A diaper cake that Lori Ann and her husband made.  Wonderful!

We had a brunch (most of the women who attended brought the food), played some games, talked, and opened gifts.  Let me tell you how well they treated me:

Just under 2,000 wipes.  And slightly over 1,200 diapers.


And of course, they all laughed at me when I exclaimed that we wouldn't have to buy diapers for awhile.  Because obviously, they know better than I do that this time will come sooner than I think!

I love my church family and am so grateful for everyone who helped pitch in to make the day so wonderful for us.  We are blessed to know you!

1 comment:

  1. Really cloth diapers aren't that scary. You just have to get the right ones. I won't lie though if it wasn't for the price I would have done all disposable for Pete, but no way that could have happened!
