Sunday, November 10, 2013

Batman and The Hobbit

Audrey has a special bond with her daddy.  They frequently watch superhero cartoons together and Kyle has taken to reading to her before bedtime.  We have two different types of bedtime reading, I guess you could say...storytime (which right now is The Hobbit) and scripture time (we're reading from the Old Testament).  Kyle reads aloud in both instances.  Usually when he's reading The Hobbit, Kyle's holding Audrey and enjoying the one-on-one time with her, but for scripture study, we all sit together on the couch just before Audrey goes to bed and read and look at the pictures (we have a special edition distributed from the church that has included pictures with the scripture story summaries).  It's great for a little kid, especially when you have such a short amount of time before they start to get fussy!  We'll be using this version of scriptures with Audrey for a long time, I think.

Some pictures of Audrey and her daddy hanging out:

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