Friday, March 21, 2014

Pillow Babies

I still have some Christmas pictures to find and upload (I know, I know...terrible.  I would probably just skip it for my 3 viewers' sake, but this is kind of like my family journal/photo album, so I would like to get them on here someday), but this is one of the things that I have on my camera now that I'd like to post about.  My mom made Audrey a pillow baby just like her mom made a pillow baby for me.  Obviously, my pillow baby is on the left in the below picture, and Audrey's is on the right.

Over the snow days I was transferring some things from cardboard storage boxes to plastic totes and found my pillow baby!  I don't know that I ever gave her a name, but she was awfully loved.  I slept with her all time time.  She was particularly useful in keeping me from touching the cold wall in the middle of the night.

She's falling can't really tell but her seams are all split.  She has several holes and the black on her shoes was an attempt to use felt to "stitch" her up.  Didn't work so well.  Audrey's baby is spectacularly new...I can't wait for her to play with her!

My favorite part of Audrey's pillow baby:

I even left my homemade ankle bracelet on my pillow baby!

Amazing how you can pull these things out of boxes and be able to recall so many good memories :)

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