Saturday, September 27, 2014

Audrey is ONE!

In our family, we always go out to eat for our birthdays.  The birthday person gets to choose the restaurant, and usually we go on the weekend closest to the birthday instead of the actual day.  Since our Audrey turned the big ONE YEAR OLD on September 14th (a Sunday), we decided to go out the Friday before her birthday after we got home from school.  Since little Audrey wasn't able to let us know which restaurant she preferred, we chose for her based on her favorite types of food.  So that led us to go to IHOP, since Audrey LOVES breakfast (especially, especially, oh especially breakfast sausage...that girl will sob if sausage is taken away from her).  

Here are some pictures documenting our time there:

Kyle drawing some pictures to show Audrey on the back of his placemat

Patiently waiting to order our food

Sweet that smile!

Here's me being so grateful that my body is not about to explode like this time the previous year.
Audrey ended up getting her first ever kid meal that day, and we got her the Silver Dollar meal, which came with five mini-pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon.  She ate seriously half of her meal.  I was shocked.  She loves having her pancake bites dipped in various IHOP syrups, too.  After we were finished, she insisted on walking out to the door by herself like a big girl, and everyone oohed and aahed over her waddle-walk the whole time.  She just ate up the attention!

On Audrey's actual birthday, we had a really low-key day at church and home.  Audrey was very good at church and got a birthday sucker from the bishop.  It was also her first time taking sacrament, and I must say that for two weeks in a row, she's been a lot more reverent and observant in Sacrament meeting now that she knows she's getting something!  After church, we went to campus and took some one year photos.

Here are some one year stats for Audrey:

Nickname:  Little Éowyn
Height:  31.5 inches
Weight:  28 pounds
Number of teeth:  Eight (four bottom, three top, and a fourth top tooth just visible)
Can say with accuracy:  Mama, Dada, KeeCat (kitty cat), Cat
Can do:  walking, clapping, waving, wiggling tongue, drinking from straws
Favorite toy(s):  play food, stuffed dolly and dinosaur
Favorite book:  Princess Baby Night Night
Favorite TV shows:  Sesame Street, Fisher Price App Short Videos
Favorite foods:  breakfast sausage, suckers, mint ice cream, bananas
Favorite song:  the alphabet
Favorite game(s):  Peek-a-boo
Most excited when:  we get out of the car at Vicki's house (because she gets to see her friends and pet Toby, their dog)

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