Saturday, November 8, 2014


Most years our ward has a trunk-or-treat party.  If you're not sure what that is, basically we trick-or-treat in the parking lot of our church out of the back of our trunks!  This way, we can all trick-or-treat together and it's less driving around or walking.  Last year we didn't take Audrey because she was only about a month old, so we felt a little weird about that.  This year, I think she did enjoy going from trunk to trunk with the other kids and learning that you get candy.  At the first couple of trunks she just stood there, then at the next couple I showed her how to put the candy in her bag, then the cars after that I put her hand in their buckets and made her drop it in her bag.  Finally, I thought she was ready to do it on her own, but she ended up trying to give the people at the trunk the candy from her bag that she'd already collected.  Well, at least she knows how to share!  By the end of the evening, she finally mastered it, and she LOVED pulling individual pieces of candy from the bowls to put in her Batman bag.

Kyle and I dressed up for this, too.  Since I was taking Audrey around, I made my outfit match hers.  I went as Catwoman.  Kyle stood by our trunk handing out candy to kids, and since there was a trunk decorating contest, he dressed up like Indiana Jones to match our Temple of Doom themed trunk.

Audrey and me leaving the church to begin trunk-or-treating.

Batgirl and Catwoman!  I had everything already except for the ears, gloves, and jacket.  The ears and gloves we bought, and the jacket is actually my sister-in-law's that Kyle took from the guest bedroom closet when we were last visiting (thanks, Kels!)

All Kyle's idea.  The palm leaves are actually something I had stuffed in my closet at school, and the skull is something I set out in my room at school, too.  Kyle painted cardboard to look like stone, set out a mask his dad brought us from Guatemala, and threw some fake webs all over the trunk.  The treasure chest is something Kyle's grandpa made him when he was a little boy, and that's where Kyle put the candy.  Also, did I mention he had the Indiana Jones soundtrack playing in the car as kids came?  We won the contest.

"You call him Dr. Jones, doll."

As Audrey was trick-or-treating, she ran after some of the bigger kids and tripped on a crack in the parking lot.  She got a little road rash on her nose and forehead.  Poor girl!
After we finished here, we went to campus since they were doing their dorm trick-or-treating the same night.  Everyone thought we looked great and gave us a whole bunch of candy.  We considered it a very successful night!

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