So, the semester has finally set in. I guess the first five weeks didn't really count.
Kyle and I are both feeling the stress of Senior Seminar. What a hateful class. We're in different sections, and it seems maybe we'd be better suited to be in each other's class instead of our own (but for scheduling reasons, that didn't exactly work out). He's doing qualitative research on LDS couples who married at a young age, and I'm writing and binding my own manifesto on how being a pre-service teacher has prepared me for motherhood. I think he's struggling because he hates doing technical stuff like research. On the flip side, I'm struggling because I haven't got a creative bone in my body and even though I had to take a creative writing course, all I'm good at is academic writing. Which is boring in an assignment like mine.
So, if nothing else, we're not lacking in support. My manifesto is due first (tomorrow) and so tonight he and I are going to go through it and he's going to help me make it more....interesting? Appropriate for the format? I would have just asked him to write it for me, but he doesn't know too much about teaching OR preparing for motherhood, so I suppose maybe it's a good idea I did the content. As a result, I'm going to help Kyle with his research. I don't know how, but I've promised him that I will! Maybe I get points because I'm the one who suggested the topic? Hmmmm...
We also have a paper that was moved from today to Tuesday. I only decided what I was doing it on, like, yesterday (before we got the email about the extension), but magically was able to make it appear--completed--today. Don't even ask me how I did it...I'm not even sure. I don't remember writing half of it. I revisited it for editing earlier today though and it's not bad. Impressive.
I think it's so strange how I'm not someone who does well under pressure (I'd much rather have things ready two weeks ahead of time) but somehow I manage to get everything done? It's weird to me that sometimes I don't even remember doing assignments but it happens. Does anyone else feel that way? I mentioned this to my Brit Lit prof when Kyle asked for an extension on his paper and he joked about getting the number for the seven little dwarves that come to do my homework.
I know a really great prof that might be able to help Kyle on his paper if he still needs it; the topic is completely his sort of thing...:)