Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Alright.  It's happened.  Everyone on campus is getting sick, so why not me, huh?  I don't want to be sick.  I hate being sick.  I don't want people to baby me or feel sorry for me...I actually don't like to talk about it if people ask (and I don't like to keep bringing it up and use it as an excuse to get out of housework, which is not unlike someone I live with!). 

So mostly it started on Monday night...I went to work and came home exhausted.  I just chalked it up to allergies and being tired from class and work and no break.  I did my homework and got to bed really late (probably could have avoided that), only to find it worse yesterday.  I was hot and cold, achy, stuffed up, coughing, tired, and miserable.  Again I think work exacerbated it, but I went to bed a little early, took the morning off from practicum, and now am feeling slightly better (at least I feel like I got about the right amount of rest)!

I do have a busy day ahead of me, though...I have to finish about three assignments before class as well as do some baking for tonight's Mutual activity...ugh.  At least I can do it in my pajamas while sort of sitting around.  I kind of count that as relaxing.  And, hey!  Best part?  No work for three days.  Maybe that'll help me clear this up :)

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