Sunday, September 2, 2012

Green Beans

Most of the years I was living at home, my mom had a garden.  Her mom had a garden, and all my aunts had gardens.  Everyone at church (it seems!) has a garden, too.  Everyone but us!  I'm not much into gardening, but it is nice to be able to grow SOME of your own food.

Since we're not much into it and had never done it before, we wanted to plant something this year that was very, very easy.  Also something that could grow in very little space, since we just utilized the strip of land between our sidewalk and the side of the garage for our garden space.  I went to a Relief Society meeting in mid-May where the subject was all about gardening.  Of course, after learning all sorts of neat gardening tricks that evening, I came home determined that we would garden.  We decided to try green beans.  We did this because:

(a) We LOVE green beans and they are pretty much one of the only vegetables I'll eat without complaining.

(b) You get a TON of green beans if you plant up a small area.

(c) They're pretty hardy (which means if we botch a little, they'll still live!)

Of course, we weren't expecting the extreme heat/lack of water this summer.  We planted ours a little late, but according to the package, we were supposed to start having green beans in early July.  Out of no faults of our own, the beans didn't start appearing until mid-August.  I thought for sure we'd killed them and must be terrible garden-growers.  However, we continued to still water and weed diligently, and Kyle even built a little wire box over them to keep the rabbits away.  

When we did get our beans, they were DELICIOUS.  So much better than canned beans from the store, or even frozen beans!  I'm thinking yes, we will have to do this again!

*Beats chest.  Yes...we grew those!  And we're mighty proud of them, too!

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