Thursday, October 10, 2013

Meeting Audrey

I had this entry started a week or so ago, but never got to finish it (someone in this house is VERY demanding of my time!).  So, while her daddy is cuddling her into nap-phase, I figured I'd come quick finish.

Here are the pictures of everyone (so far) in the family meeting Audrey:

Grandpa and Grandma Byard (9/14/13).  Audrey was brand-new!  First visitors!

Grandpa and Grandma Knittle (9/15/13).  Second visitors!

Aunt Betsy and Uncle Nick (9/15/13).  Betsy held Audrey the entire time; my brother was afraid to hold her!

Great-grandpa and Great-grandma Knittle (9/19/13).
Great-grandpa and Great-grandma Byard (9/27/13).
Daddy's best friend, Uncle Zach (9/28/13).  Zach came to the hospital, but didn't get to meet Audrey before he left.  So we brought her to his work in Indy!
Uncle Matt (10/04/13).
Okay, so Nick already met Audrey, but this was the first time he held her (10/04/13)!  I think that deserves a picture.
We still have Audrey's aunt Kelsey (who's coming home in a few weeks) to meet and although she met her uncle Jacob, we didn't even think about getting a picture.  Oops!  BUT he hasn't held her yet, so when that happens, we'll be sure to snap one!  We also have Great-grandma Evans in Michigan that we need to see, too, as well as several of Kyle's and my aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Audrey is the subject of quite a few pictures since she's the first grandkid, great-grandkid, and niece to ALL of these people!  As you can see, she soaks it up (while sleeping).

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