Saturday, November 23, 2013

Saturday mornings

Saturday mornings are wonderful at our house.  The last two weeks I've taken the early morning (about 6 AM) feeding since I needed to pump shortly after anyway.  Poor Kyle is always so sleepy in the mornings, and since I'm usually pooped on Friday nights and he lets me take a nap around dinnertime, I'm really big on letting him sleep a little on Saturday mornings.

After pumping and washing some bottles, this is how I found my two sleepyheads.  They slept until about 10 AM!  It was nice to get some laundry going and get showered when it was still pretty quiet.

After waking up, Daddy and Audrey eat eggs and milk respectively then settle in for their cartoons either in the bedroom or on the living room couch.  Audrey LOVES watching Batman cartoons.  She's mesmerized by the colors on the screen and attentively watches from across the room.  I've tried to get her hooked on Arthur, too, but she's only kinda likes it.  

 Here's a picture from last Saturday of Audrey falling asleep in the afternoon after watching several episodes of Batman.  

Audrey's a lot more chatty and smiley lately, which we both think is wonderful.  I practice saying mama and dada with her, but Kyle wants her first word to be either Batman or he's working on those with her as well :)

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