Monday, March 23, 2009

Spare time?!

So it's the beginning of another week, and so far, I'm ahead on assignments (what a good feeling).  I've decided to try to keep this lead, so we'll see how I do by Friday.  There are no major projects due this week--thank goodness--so maybe I can also do some other things this week other than homework.  My list includes:

1) taking more walks with Kyle
2) not skipping any nights of working out (unless replaced by 1)
3) reading more of my scriptures
4) reading for leisure
5) working on Personal Progress projects
6) watching Grey's Anatomy
7) getting to bed earlier
8) getting up earlier (so I'm actually not late to anything)
9) organizing more (I love to organize)
10) writing in my blog more (yay blog!)
11) preparing spiritually for my patriarchal blessing
12) work on getting more done ahead of time so I can have this list more often!

Gotta love this list.  I'm so excited to see what I can do this week in my spare time!

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