Monday, September 9, 2013

Chair DIY (for Baby's Room)

This hopefully will be a quick post before I move on to bigger and better things...the nursery!  I had this vision for what I wanted the nursery to look like, and I'm very happy with the turn out.  One thing I really wanted in our nursery was a rocking chair.  I wanted something that matched, though, but for cheap.  No glider (because we spent so much time making sure our bookcase and crib matched, so we weren't about to go out and spend the big bucks on a glider)...I don't even like them!  Nothing too big, something comfortable...

We had the perfect chair already.  It was a garage sale find that my mom picked up (no joke) at least seven years ago!  She spent $5 on it.  It sat in my parents' house for a time, then I took it to college with me, and my parents never wanted it back.  I loved the chair even though it was ugly, so I kept it.  

Here's a picture of Kyle playing video games in the chair at the end of our sophomore year of college (I think this was during finals week):

We'd had the chair upstairs in the attic, then when my sister moved out of her room (now the nursery), we moved it downstairs after we converted the room to an office.  We really wanted to keep the chair for the baby's room, but I wanted to spruce it up some.  But how?  Re-upholstery is super expensive, and I do NOT sew.  I thought about just dealing with it, but after some research online, I discovered....

...they make upholstery SPRAY PAINT.  And it's sold at HOBBY LOBBY.

Well, don't mind if I do!

The cost per can is $9.99, but you can get a nifty 40% off coupon per customer per week.  So, if I took Kyle with me to the store (he begrudgingly went even though it's literally just a couple of blocks from our house), we could get it for even cheaper.  So we did!  It wasn't hard...Kyle actually did this project all on his own!  It took 3 coats to get it just right (about 8 cans total).  You can't even buy a decent chair for that on Craigslist that is this comfortable!  

Then I put the blanket and little pillow my sister made on the chair and voila!  Gorgeous!

You would probably never even know it used to be retro pink, huh? 

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