Kyle and I have callings in our church to work with youth ages 12-17. Kyle is in charge of the 12-13 year-old Young Men (and is the Scoutmaster) while I'm an assistant in the leadership with my friend Regina for the Young Women aged 14-15. Each age group in both the Young Men and Young Women take turns planning activities that everyone participates in on Wednesday nights. When it was our class's turn, Regina, our Young Women, and I planned a fun activity called ice cream sculpting. The best part? The activity was EDIBLE!
Since temple worship is a large part of our faith, we decided that the groups would sculpt temples. Regina took responsibility for getting large blocks of ice cream and condiments for decorations. I took charge of the scavenger hunt and getting the pictures for sculpting. I turned the scavenger hunt into a small learning activity (because what's the point of activities if no one learns anything, right?) and provided clues for the kids to find that would help them figure out what temple they were going to sculpt. After the sculpting and judging, we all read our clues to the group.
Check out the awesome temples that the Youth created!
And the finished product! This is quite obviously the Dallas Temple! |
And the Salt Lake City Temple (see the resemblance?) |
Washington, D.C. temple |
Chicago Temple |
Los Angeles Temple |
I advise if you decide to do this activity that you get large groups to help and get the judging over with super-quick because everything starts to melt! The Dallas Temple won after some impartial judging (we pulled someone in who was playing basketball at the church), but there were no hard feelings. I think everyone just wanted to eat and didn't care who won!
Mmm-mmmmmmmmm....that was a good day!
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