Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Doing Laundry in the Temple.

Yesterday Kyle and I went to the temple in Columbus, Ohio to do some ordinance work.  For those who don't know, here's what the Columbus temple looks like:

Due to the rigid (and tyrannical) request-day-off system at my workplace, this was the very first time that we'd been since we got married in December.  Yikes!

It was a wonderful day, though.  We left at about 7:45 AM and arrived at about 10:30 for our 11 AM session.  After the 11 o'clock, we had a little bit of time to wait before the 1 PM session began.  I received a few personal revelations in the temple that I think will help my husband and me to grow in our relationship spiritually and emotionally.  This can never hurt!  I also had the opportunity to see how much I've learned and developed since I received my very own endowments six months ago.  At the same time, however, I realized even more how much I have to learn!

So while I won't go into too much detail about all that, what I can say is that there was also another very rewarding moment that I never supposed in a million years that I would have had to opportunity to enjoy--I got to do laundry with the temple matron (the wife of the temple president)!

While I was waiting for Kyle to finish his 11 o'clock session, I decided to sit in the main lobby.  I had met the temple matron back in the dressing room and had chatted with her briefly, but I didn't realize who she was because she had on a sweater that covered up her name tag.  I just assumed she was another of the temple workers that was there that day!  When she saw me sitting patiently, she asked if I was there for another session.  I replied that I was, but I'd be waiting for another 45 minutes.  Since she had mentioned earlier that she was "way behind on the temple laundry," she asked if I was willing to help.  I agreed of course!  How often does the opportunity arise that you get to view the behind-the-scenes of how the temple is operated?  I'd most likely have to be a temple worker myself in order to find out :(

In the laundry area, she taught me how to fold some of the clothing used in the ordinances as well as where to store the white lab coats used by the cleaners.  I've never seen so many loads of white laundry in all my life!  It was truly an amazing sight.  While we worked, she asked questions about Kyle and me and our little family and I learned about her family and how often she and her husband get to come to the temple (I'm sure I sounded silly asking about it now that I know she's the temple matron).  She was such a wonderful person to get to chat with, and I loved it.

Doing laundry in the temple with her was a lot different from doing it at home.  Usually I sort the clothes quickly, toss them into either the washer or dryer, and vaguely measure the soap or add a dryer sheet.  Often the laundry won't get folded right away and we live out of the laundry basket when we get really behind (laundry is my least favorite, so it's the chore that gets neglected the most).  That would never happen at the temple.  Every fold and crease of the clothes was precise and deliberate, and we were sure to leave no wrinkles.  Even the clothes that we had discovered had ripped was folded and carefully set aside from the others.  Nothing is treated lightly in the Lord's house.  

I only spent about 20 minutes helping the temple matron (I later discovered who she was when we were leaving and she was without her sweater).  It was such a wonderful opportunity to understand even more about the temple and how it is operated by the Lord's faithful servants.  Not only that, but it really changed my attitude on laundry!  I never really considered folding clothes as a treat until I did it in the temple.  It made me understand even better that even as the Lord's house is a house of order, so should ours as well.  

I can't promise that laundry at my house will suddenly become my favorite pastime, but it has given me a goal--not to become so behind in keeping our home in order, and to, most importantly, delight in doing so.  It's how the Lord's house is patterned, so why should mine be exempt? 


  1. That's awesome! Athena and I get to go serve in the temple laundry at the end of July. We can't wait!

  2. Maybe you could teach me how to fold my packet!
