(a) I got a massage
(b) I went to work and no one really came in to shop because of the snow so we mostly stood around and talked and did shipment
(c) Kyle made a pizza for when I came home
(d) We watched a movie!
My massage was given to me by my wonderful friend from church who does massages on the side. Best of all, it was FREE as a wedding gift! I haven't had a massage in awhile--I typically average one a year and the last one was like this past March. It was sooooo relaxing. I like to talk during my massages though (I'm realizing more and more lately that it's hard for people to get me to shut up), so I had a fun time chatting with my friend about her family, how the wedding went, how married life is, school, all kinds of things.
After that, I came home and got ready to go to work, and it was completely DEAD. Seriously, I think we had maybe ten people the whole time I was there (the last five hours). I did maybe four transactions on the register. It was ridiculous! We got kind of upset at customers who did come in, though...who shops in the crazy snow we had yesterday? How dare them butt in in the middle of our conversation and make us have to look like we're working hard? Just kidding! (Except seriously, why?)
Pizza and movie! I love pizza, so that was easy. Kyle went to the grocery store twice this week...we let our groceries dwindle before we left for Christmas and for the wedding that way we left like zero things to go bad. Only bad thing about that is that when we got home, we had nothing to eat! I sent Kyle to get some groceries while I was at work on Monday, and sadly he came home with only the necessities like milk, breakfast juice, cereal, and a few other silly odd and end things. When it came to making dinner on Tuesday, I opened up the cabinet to figure out what to make while Kyle was at work and there was NOTHING! Unless we wanted to eat cereal for every meal for the rest of the week, nothing! We have meat that we could thaw out, but nothing to put it in, nothing to have it with...even if I got creative (like I was planning to) and full-out making a meal instead of cheating and using something from a box, we didn't have ingredients enough to make ANYTHING (and I know because I went through all of my cookbooks). I could make banana bread, but man shall not live by banana bread alone, you know.
So after Kyle and I "discussed" our grocery situation, he went back to the store on Wednesday and picked up some more groceries to last us the rest of the week. Our menu thus far has been: coney dogs, pizza, Mexican (tonight), and chicken-fried rice (tomorrow). Definitely not the healthiest, but surely very yummy. I give him points for trying to make up for the first time, though!
So the pizza was very good. And we got to watch a movie of my choice! We take turns picking movies for our movie nights, and tonight I picked the Egg and I.

Such a great oldie! Kyle was unsure of how he would like it (when I read the description he thought it sounded silly), but as part of the rules, we cannot complain about the other's choices and at least have to give it a chance. And guess what? He laughed and was definitely entertained...and when I asked him if he liked it, he answered with a shrug and said "It was okay."
In boy talk, this means yes!
So it was a pretty good day, I have to say. Maybe today will be just as good? We're supposed to be hanging things on the wall today and maybe finishing putting up the blinds (only two sets left but they're a weird size so we're still trying to find some). And after blinds, who knows? Hanging things on the wall, possibly moving my antique trunks in to decorate, getting some area rugs, getting my furniture shampooed...the list goes on and on and on....someday our house is going to look like a real home instead of a temporary living space! And I can't wait!
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