Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Wife is a Turd: An In-Depth Study on Why Megan is Such a Butthead

OK, so I might not be the easiest to wake up in the morning, but Megan also didn't mention that I went to work last night. Or the fact that she's taken two or three naps a DAY these last two days and this is fairly typical of her. She doesn't mention the days when I have to kick her out of bed so she'll be ready on time (yeah sure she gets up before me, but only because I make her).

Basically, Megan sleeps a lot more than I do. She just does it during the day. If I were to even try that I'd get an ear full about not being productive, but of course it's OK when she does it. Plus it's not like there's anything important to do today...

So there you have it Megan is a closed...

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